Vacuum solutions for ATEX
Solutions and systems for the potentially explosive area.

Moving, lifting and transferring goods with special properties must meet special processing requirements. Particular caution is required when handling goods that are at risk of explosion. In addition, specific regulations apply to make the handling of such transport goods safer. Handling solutions for potentially explosive areas are therefore subject to the highest requirements. We meet these requirements with specific solutions and sophisticated systems for handling ATEX goods.

Transport of bags with potentially dangerous substances
Whether chemical production material or food, many substances and materials are powdery or dusty. This is precisely the problem with explosive environments, where highly flammable substances may come into contact with technical systems, electronics or mechanics. ATEX tube lifters for bags are specifically designed for this task. Separators or filter technology protect the vacuum circuit or the vacuum generator from contamination. By means of specifically designed systems and suitable materials such as stainless steel or insulating plastics, these ATEX solutions achieve high process efficiency even with hazardous goods.

Transport of barrels with potentially dangerous substances
Transporting liquid or powdery hazardous substances quickly and efficiently in drums can become a problem if these goods are particularly sensitive. In addition, the tipping of larger drums quickly becomes the limits of manual handling. With ATEX hose lifters, drums, whether made of metal or plastic, can be lifted and moved safely. Solutions with rotating bearings of the transport unit also allow the drums to be swivelled or tilted and actively support the production process. ATEX hose lifters are distinguished in this application by their extensive adaptation possibilities, which allow different loads as well as different load capacities.

Transport of crates & cartons with potentially dangerous goods
The transport of crates and cartons with dangerous goods is subject to special conditions. Boxes and cartons should be moved just as gently, carefully and without damage as their dangerous contents. ATEX hose lifters are particularly suitable for fast and smooth handling of explosive goods. Due to the gentle suction of the transported goods, substances contained in the goods are not affected. In addition, ATEX solutions are optimally equipped with separator and filter technology that specifically minimizes dangers.

Transport of solid hazardous materials
Solid hazardous substances with a higher weight should also not be moved permanently by manual processes. In addition to the clear ergonomic advantages for users, handling with ATEX vacuum lifters results in greater safety for the entire process chain. Especially the special requirements for handling hazardous materials or in environments with increased explosion hazards can be met by ATEX solutions.

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